EmpowerED, Adult Eating Disorders, Lead Provider Collaborative (LPC), North West, led by Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CWP), are thrilled to announce that they have won the prestigious national award ‘Commissioning for Patient Experience’ at the Patient Experience Network Awards 2023 (PENNA).

PENNA 3.jpgThe award highlights the LPC’s commitment to delivering outstanding healthcare services while prioritising the needs and experiences of the people we care for through the work of our experts by experience.

The PENNA awards honour outstanding achievements and best practices in patient experience across the health and social care sectors. EmpowerED has been recognised for its dedication to transforming patient care pathways, reducing variations in care, and fostering collaboration among stakeholders to provide person-centred care in the mental health sector.

EmpowerED, Adult Eating Disorders Provider Collaborative, North West, is a ground breaking initiative that brings together:

  • Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS FT
  • Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS FT
  • Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS FT
  • Mersey Care NHS FT
  • Priory Health Care

PENNA 1.jpgThis collaborative effort focuses on addressing adult eating disorders and aims to enhance patient pathways and experiences, while driving innovation and creativity in specialised mental health services.

Tim Welch, Chief Executive, CWP said:

"This award reflects our deep commitment to enhancing the patient experience and ensuring that every individual we serve receives the highest quality of care across the North West.

“The award recognises the LPCs dedication to shaping healthcare services and systems that truly prioritise the wellbeing and satisfaction of the people we care for, their families and carers.

"We are honoured to be recognised for our work, and it inspires us to continue pushing the boundaries of patient-centred care and innovation."