Cared for Children Activity Days - Cheshire East





 Thank you, volunteers,

It is volunteers week and we would like to give you a big thank you for all your time and commitment to improve our community health and wellbeing. 

Thank you social square (English).png


You can print your bunting and celebrate with us Volunteer Week Bunting (

Carers week event

The Carers hub are holding an event for Carers week at Wishing Well Family Hub on Chester Bridge, Crewe on Wednesday 12th June 5-7pm.

There will be activities for the whole family including a disco, sensory room and coffee and cake.

Attendees do not have to be registered with the carers hub but there does need to be an unpaid carer in the family, whether this is a young carer, parent carer or adult carer.

Wednesday 12th June 5-7pm
Wishing Well Family Hub
3 Chester Bridge (heading into Crewe town center)

Carers Week Flyer for WW.pdf

DO YOU CARE? - Putting Wirral’s Unpaid Carers on the Map - Healthwatch Wirral Event


JOIN US at Arrowe Park Education Centre

Saturday 8th June 11.00 am – 3.00pm

(Free parking at the Fracture Clinic)

There are over 5.4 million people in England looking after friends or family members. Many of them don’t see themselves as carers.

A carer is anyone, children and adults who looks after someone who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, mental health problem or addiction and cannot cope without their support. The care they give is unpaid.Wirral Carers Alliance (WCA) is newly formed and aims to bring together unpaid carers in Wirral to share experiences their lived experiences. Wirral Carers Alliance will highlight the voices of unpaid carers, with decision makers, in the design and delivery of local services.

Unpaid carers often provide high levels of care for sick, or disabled relatives and friends resulting in unpaid carers being twice as likely to suffer from poor health themselves. We know that caring responsibilities can impact on the physical and mental health, education and employment. Unpaid carers have significantly poorer health and quality of life outcomes.


Healthwatch Wirral and Wirral Carers Alliance in partnership with Wirral University Teaching Hospital are hosting a day dedicated to unpaid carer’s inspired by this year’s theme from Carers UK, ‘’Putting Carers on the Map’’. There will be a wide range of services offering advice & information as well as light refreshments and giveaways.


Call Healthwatch Wirral to find out more on 0151 230 8957 or



Community Champions Networking Meeting: Focus on Parents and Carers

Date: 13/08/2024 

Time: 12:00pm to 13:00 pm

Welcome to the Community Champions: Networking Meeting!

This month we will focus on Parents and Carers

Join us for an empowering online event centred around supporting carers and parents within our community. With key speakers from Halton Carers Centre in Runcorn, and Wired in Wirral, led by Lynn Griffiths .

Special guest Beverly Greenwood will deliver a keynote speech titled "It is not your fault.


12:00 Introductions & Mentimeter

12:10 TBA - Halton Carers Centre

12:25 Lynn Griffiths - Wired

12:40 Beverly Greenwood

12:55 Q&A